Monday 23 May 2011

Website Design

here's some layout for my proposed website.

I wanted the website to look quite simple and organic. Obviously I would like the theme to follow on from the rest of the project. The typography, colour theme and illustrations are going to be the same/ similar to the designs for print

this would be the template of which I would like to base the rest of my website on.

I'm not sure about using illustrations on the website yet or just leave them typographic. Obviously I would probably use appropriate illustrations for each event but I dont think I want to use too much illustrations.

Keeping it simple!

I wasn't too sure what I wanted to put on the home page and figured that it would be logical to have news/ or up coming events on the first page so here goes.....

I think instead of having a long list of links or the need to click onto a page to see the sub links....I think a drop down menu would be a good idea....

also, following on from the colours and type of the main poster ( with a list of all the events) ....using those elements in the drop down menu is quite a nice idea.

These are the rest of the drop down menus and all the proposed contents

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