I wanted to have the logos on a black background as they look so much better but then does mean that I should have ALL mu boards in black.
Most of my designs are quite light in colour which means that they would probably look quite good in black but I just like the idea of have all black design boards but then just having one would mean that my boards would lose its consistency

actually...not sure about how the posters look on black.
half of them need to be photographed anyway so I cant really tell
Portrait boards?

to have the variations of the logos bigger, they would need to be arrange this way rather than next to each other....
I'm not sure how I feel about this layout

Do I need one board that has a complete set of one event on it ?
if so , I probably need to make it glaringly obvious that they are part of a set

whats the best way for me to show the posters? do I need to show all the variations I've done?

need to print and photograph leaflet still

I think, because of the nature of my pieces, I dont think portrait works that well.
like the web page, the images could be a lot bigger if they were in on a landscape board.
Same thing applies to the posters
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