Monday 23 May 2011

Website design finished

I havent designed ALL the webpages for the website but I have designed at least one example of what it would look like from each section


From the About drop down menu I have designed the ' Life in 1 day' section
From the Talks and Dates I've done a reptile page and a fish page
From the Speakers , I've done a quick description of the Reptile talk
Lastly, for the 'visit us' drop down menu I've designed the page for 'how to get there' and 'contact us'

For the home page : at the botton where it says coming up.... the image will change to whatever event is due next

all the typefaces are consistant with the leaflet and the poster. This consistency also applies to the colour theme and illustrations.

The website is an extra website which the audience can access through the main website of the museum or by typing in the address themselves

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