Thursday, 26 May 2011

Evaluation OUGD203


This module was split into two parts, the YCN and the product, range and distribute brief. I found these two two projects really different form each other. The first one we were working on the live brief for particular company/ brand and it was also a collaborative project. The second project was completely self lead and structure. We wrote our own brief in relation to things we were interested in.

Overall for the YCN project I felt that we were able to achieve a really good quantity and quality of work in the amount of time we were given. I enjoyed working collaboratively and I feel that I was quite lucky that my partner ( liz) and I never fell out or had arguments. However, I think that I would probably still work most effectively on my own. I don't think I really enjoyed having the responsibility of someone's grades depending on me. It was a good motivation but at the same time I've always been quite motivated myself anyway and I don't know if I needed that extra pressure. However, I did like the fact that we were both good at different things meaning it was easy to assign responsibilities and that the actual methods of working collaboratively.

As for the Product,Range and Distribution, Io

oking at the work I've produced I really feel like I've moved on quite far from where I started at the beginning of this project ( and the course also). I think that the designs I've produced in this project is the one that shows my style of working the most and I think its probably my favourite piece to put in portfolio. However, saying that, it was not been an easy ride. The beginning of the project was quite slow and writing my own brief was quite hard for such an indecisive person which I am. However, I compared this project to the 100 brief as I think they are probably the most similar and I remember really really struggling with that brief last year as it was our first self initiated one. I think I really learnt from that project how to cope with a self directed project and I think I actually managed quite well in this one. I tried to quickly make decisions on the brief and tried to get on with the research as soon as possible. As said, the first couple of weeks into this project was pretty slow but then I think i quickly picked up the pace in which I was working and managed to produce a good quantity of work. I've gotten so much better at time management this year and my own methods of working effectively thank last year. I think this has been a really good project to end the year with.

the rest of the evaluation I think I would focus on the product, range and distribution brief.

What problem did I identify?

To create a new identity for a monthly talk at the Natural History Museum. This includes a logo and promotional materials that is applicable across a range of media from print to screen. The aim is to entice and gain interests from university students and young professionals.

What evidence did you find to support your decisions?

They weren't so much evidence that I found but as this brief was a self initiated one I basically included all the things I was interested in and wanted to pursuit in Graphic design and created a brief from them. These have been 'gathered' from the previous projects that I have done.

As for the research for this project, I went down to the Natural History museum in London to have a look around at all the already existing designs they gave around the museums, what the exhibitions were like and just to have a look at all the different things it houses really.

What research could I have carried that would have proved more useful?

I could have probably looked more into exhibition designs and environmental designs for around the museum. I know I wanted to focus on the printed media for this project and I did consider other media as well as that but I think I could have done more actual research into it.

5 things that I have learn about design process over the last few weeks

  1. I really want to get back into illustration more. I don't want to go fully into illustration but I feel that my style of drawing would actually work quite well with traditional typography. I can do crazy illustrations or free hand but I can draw.
  2. Its really important to consider where your piece of design would fir into context/ in the real world. Its one thing having a nice piece of design that sits on your desk and to have your piece of design actually being used effectively in the environment.
  3. Its hard to take on such a big thing ( promote the whole of the natural history museums which houses things from a tiny insect to a fake earth quake installation) . it is easier to break down the project which you can as this is a self initiated project.
  4. This is something that I've learnt previously but I think it really came through in this project. That is the fact that designs just look really good when there's a range of them. Instead of having one piece of nice design, you create a range, even if its only a range of posters or a range of media, it makes your design look more relevant.
  5. (from YCN) its very different working on a project with two designers than one. obviously two heads is better than one but you really need to work with someone who's methods of working is similar to you and if you both have an input in the design elements of things you need to make sure that the styles of designs go.

5 things that I would do differently next time

  1. I wouldn't say I would spend any less time on the research but I think I could have gotten into the project a lot quicker. I had quite a slow start with slow decision making. It wasn't major though I think I was pretty on top of time management
  2. don't take on something so big ( change from promoting the whole museum to an event was definitely a project saver, thanks Fred.)
  3. Don't try and do everything. I wanted to do so much for this project,not in terms of products but as in I wanted to do type, layout, print, illustrations, etc. I wanted to do loads of illustrations for this project at first but then remembered how time consuming they were… I still managed to do quite a few though!


Final Work photographed

Poster set

Here are all the poster designs I've done for the Life in one day event.

The full set would be all 12 of the posters but that is not necessary.

This took quite a long time.

Super imposing this on Photoshop was quite tricky but I've done it!.

First I wasnt sure whether to use this image or not just because photoshopping it would be so complicated but then I thoght if i just had a picture of an indivual bike, that wont neccessary communicate the fact that these are going on the London new hired bikes.

I thought that you could may be have individual designs for each of the event on the bikes but realistically that would cost so much money and time. I don't think it would be that economical to change the vinyl on the bikes everymonth

Rationale and Brief

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Website Design done

The Index/ home page with a little bit about the company on it and some of the latest work

The over all design of the website is really simple partly because I dont know how to make complicated website ( mostly that) and I looked at some graphic design studio websites and they are all really simple. a lot are just either on white background or black with small texts.

I used a lot of the rollover image on the website and i saw some on another website and its a nice way of highlighting the work and also its one of the only things I know how to do on dreamweaver really

I just used examples of my own work on my website to demonstrate how they would go on.

The grid on this webpage took absolutely ages but It probably my favourite page

Again, here i used the rollover image to show the members of the company

very simple contacts page

web design

some layout design sketches for the web.

the page spec is 600 x 800
and I remember simon mentioning that it would make things a lot easier if you write down the measurements for each page on paper and just follow that.

I did that for the template and found it to be extremely useful...

probably should have done it with all the other pages.....

Web Design

This is my template. Its pretty simple really but it still tok absolutely ages

I decided to just use the logo Nick designed for out enterprise group. The company is meant to be a high end sophisticated print studio. So, ( not only because I don't know how to use dreamweaver) I wanted to keep the website nice and clean. I think it still looks pretty sophisticated!

sorting out all the other pages which were made after the template page was made
I decided to utilize pretty much the only skill i learnt from the web session and use lots and lots of 'rollover images'

So this is what the template looks like on the browser

This the the home page

It took me quite a while to figure out tables so this home page and the template were the ones that took all day pretty much.

The home page consists of a short introduction to our company and a couple of images of our most recent work

Aligning the pictures in this one was also quite tricky. A lot of the times I had to change the numbers manually into the code section. I dont know why but sometimes things just didnt do as I commanded them to when pressing the buttons.

alignment sorted
this is the works page. It it were a real website , the visitor would scroll down the browser to look at more work

boards revisited

So, I've sorted out most of the things on the boards that needed sorting out but there still a few things i need to do. well, only two things really

I need to print the leaflet and posters and photograph them for my board and the sort out the 'boris bikes' image.

The layout, information etc are done i think!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

boards revisited : web page

This was the layout that I had for the crit
and after printing them out I thought that the small thumbnails could definitely be bigger and the critters aggreed

As I increased the size of the thumbnails
added a browser frame as mentioned in my crit.
and played about with the layout a little bit

I quite liked this one but I think it makes the bored look busier and more crammed so I change it back to how it was before and took a webpage out
change the main image to the page with a bigger drop down menu but the found that its a bit too distracting so o change it back to the old one

nice neat final layout for my last board ( web)

work photographed part 1

The leaflets are only mock ups and the photographs don't look that great but they still look a lot better than the real things.

I wasn't going to make mock ups and actually go straight to the print room and print the real ones...
good thing i printed mock ups!

the order of the pages needed changing and the colours didn't look quite right. I know the printers upstairs in the mac suites sometimes make things look more pink or more yellow than they should be but I think the colours really needed changing.

Also, I realised that front page looks really awful and it doesnt look like a flyer....why ?

it doesn't have anything on it and because you can only see part of the fossil....its not really obvious what it is so it jus looks like i have random lines drawing on a piece of paper.

I'm really really happy with the tickets though. I think the photos for those ones turned out really well and I think they're probably my favourite

leaflet revisited.

I printed a mock up of the leaflet from the computer in the mac suites today to see what they would look like printed before my print session on thursday.

Glad I did that... there were a few things that needed changing. I mean, I know the colours upstairs can be a bit off compared to usual but I still need to tweak some of them.

most importantly, the pages needed readjusting as the first thing that people see when they open up the leaflet is the information inside not the ' introductory page' so they have been changed to the right pages.

I think they should be alright when I print them now....

General feed back from the

For boards alterations:

  • Number the boards
  • Include scale, size and stock specifications
  • Separate main logo and variations? so they dont look so much like they're a part of the main log
  • Smaller logo through out boards
  • Heading above all captions eg. concept, print, screen, complete set
  • frame pages on website with an internet browser window
  • say who the target audience is
  • how do you guide the eyes around each board
  • sort out complete set....make them look like a set ( make it really obvious?)

Boards for the crit

I decided to go with the landscape boards. I did a quick layout of all the pages and put all the content on and decided that because of the nature of my designs. landscape boards would just be a lot more appropriate.

I also decided to keep the logos on a black background but keep the rest of the boards white. Having all the boards black just feels a lot harsher on the eyes and they dont look so much like design boards.

The second page would show a full set of on event and then the variations of each of the media will be shown on other slides

I need to print at least two of the posters off I think in order to photography to put on my boards. The leaflet also needs printing

Some boards :/

I wanted to have the logos on a black background as they look so much better but then does mean that I should have ALL mu boards in black.

Most of my designs are quite light in colour which means that they would probably look quite good in black but I just like the idea of have all black design boards but then just having one would mean that my boards would lose its consistency

actually...not sure about how the posters look on black.

half of them need to be photographed anyway so I cant really tell

Portrait boards?

to have the variations of the logos bigger, they would need to be arrange this way rather than next to each other....
I'm not sure how I feel about this layout

Do I need one board that has a complete set of one event on it ?
if so , I probably need to make it glaringly obvious that they are part of a set

whats the best way for me to show the posters? do I need to show all the variations I've done?

need to print and photograph leaflet still

I think, because of the nature of my pieces, I dont think portrait works that well.

like the web page, the images could be a lot bigger if they were in on a landscape board.

Same thing applies to the posters

Monday, 23 May 2011


So.....Illustrator and Indesign decided that it would be a great idea to both stop working at the same time.

photoshop seems to be doing alright and it just happens to be the only programme I dont need to use......
This is a bit of a minor set back on my design boards................technologies know when you need them the most and just kick you in the butt.... urgh!

Boris Bikes

need to use closed up images of the bikes in order for me to show the details of the design.
But I also need one image which shows the bike in context. I need to show on the boards that I'm not just putting designs on random bikes but these the hired bikes that have been placed all over london.

just advertising the event as a whole and the natural history museum

a more specific ad for the event. The black looks beytter and I think, with the dark colours of the tyre and the small size of the bike it would be best to keep the type and illustrations in black rather than in colour.

However, if there are a whole load of variations on the different events on the bike. when the bikes are all parked next to each other, this could create quite a colourful impact which might be more pleasing to the eyes to those looking at them ?

Website design finished

I havent designed ALL the webpages for the website but I have designed at least one example of what it would look like from each section


From the About drop down menu I have designed the ' Life in 1 day' section
From the Talks and Dates I've done a reptile page and a fish page
From the Speakers , I've done a quick description of the Reptile talk
Lastly, for the 'visit us' drop down menu I've designed the page for 'how to get there' and 'contact us'

For the home page : at the botton where it says coming up.... the image will change to whatever event is due next

all the typefaces are consistant with the leaflet and the poster. This consistency also applies to the colour theme and illustrations.

The website is an extra website which the audience can access through the main website of the museum or by typing in the address themselves

Website 2

For the rest of the propose website. I figured I should probably design at least one webpage connect to a link from each of the drop down menus

So....I think I will do an


the talks and dares> fish ?
the speakers> fish? would make sense to have a set)
visit us> how to get here

obviously I'm going to keep the same layout as all the home page
as shown here. the typography are the same as the posters and tickets etc

This is where the logo variations come in. So when you click on a page about a certain subject then the logo would change to match the

eg. reptile... logo changes to the turtle shell one.

In here I havent change the logo to the fish one but the logo will be changed to the appropriate one.

In actually really like this page. I wasn't keen on the idea of using photos but when photoshop, stylised subtly, it actually makes the website look quite professional and still keeps that authentic, natural feel to it.

I think the photo would definitely need to be in black and white as well if not sepia

logo's changed :)
So this would be the about> life in one day page

as you can see, its pretty simple but I mean, this is all the necessary information that needs to go on the page really

a screen shot of all the webpages I've designed
simple and clear 'visit us'

I didn't want to put too much information about the museum on either as this is only a small website which is still a part of the museum's web site
changed the tone of the colours on the map to match the website...looks quite lovely really!