Friday 15 October 2010

Wrap it up! (Granade brief)

The brief:

Identify, Select and Clarify
  • Sum up your 'good' in one word and one image.
  • Choose 1 net from each net group provided. There are five groups in total and therefore you'll end up with 5 nets in total. Choose three from there.
  • Come up with 3 packaging solutions
  • Take word and image and package it. Try and communicate that word/ image

Tone of Voice:

  • Humorous? Serious? Informative? Persuasive?

  • content ( which word? which image?)
  • Colour ( only 2 colours plus stock)
  • Font Choice
  • Format and Form- net has outside AND inside. How does what you're working on go together with the format.
  • Size? Scale
  • Media? Stock?

Mandatory Requirements:

  • 1 word and 1 image you're trying to communicate
  • 3 packaging nets
  • 2 colors plus stock


  • 3 Packaging Solutions
  • documented design development- on blog

Studio Deadline : Tuesday 19th October

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