Monday 18 October 2010

A small change...

I've just been doing some brain storming of what could go on the nets.

Each of the net will have a saying on them and may be a fact supporting it as well.

I was thinking about these

  • '...of what use for man to stand on earth and reach for the stars if he is standing up to his naval in garbage...'
  • Waste is a design flaw (nothing in nature is wasted. It is only human who create waste.)
  • designers make the world's most beautiful trash

  • .100 million tress are felled annually to produce the junk mail we don't' even want
  • Today paper makes up more than 30 percent of the waste in municipal landfills, and 75 percent of the communications pieces we design end up in the trash within a year.
  • 30-40 % of trash is discarded packaging

After careful considerations

I think it is more appropriate if my word was actually 'waste' rather than 'sustainable'

obviously, my good is sustainable but for this 'wrap it up' brief. the word is waste

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