Saturday 2 October 2010

Research points

  • Design can change ( a really great website for a beginner like me....take the pledge!)
  • why should we be green...find some good statistics. waste etc.
  • why should us, as Graphic Designers be greener?
  • What can we do to change?
  • How can we become greener
  • Technical stuff, printers, paper, ink etc
  • why shouldn't we be green?
  • how can students be greener, ( as we don't go to the printers..yet! and we're poor)
  • how to be green if you're a poor Graphic Designer
  • how to convince graphic designers that they should be greener? tactics?....humor?fear?stats? all of them?!?!
  • answer what?who?why? and how?????
  • who? Graphic designers? Graphic Design students? designers in general
  • how can I use print to convince people.....emboss? no ink? recycled paper?

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