Tuesday 19 October 2010

Project Rationale-NEW

Good is....Sustainable Graphic Design

  1. Reduce the rate in which we are consuming earth's limited resources and stop polluting the world eg. paper ( trees), energy used in printing, chemicals in printing etc
  2. Graphic Designers make/ sell things and we are part of this over consumption system, so we should take responsibility-we can't stop people from consuming but can do something to reduce the impact of the things we create.
  3. 35% of trash is discarded packaging
  4. Who wants their design to just go straight into the bin after-design for longevity
  5. Not asking you to become hippies- just reduce and consider the impact of your design

I intend to...persuade and educate

a group of..Graphic Designers

that.... Sustainable Graphic design is good

In order to achieve this I will produce.....

A set of Graphic Design 'tool kit' ( may be stationary, equipments- with facts about the environment, where to get paper, printer etc on the product? ) that are green and packaged in a reusable packaging that encourages designers to be more green. I don't want any thing to have to be thrown away. message on the product. something that will last.- a RANGE

Also a RANGE of visuals, facts, sayings to persuade the audience that this is good- on something reusable

This is will be produced using....

embossing/debossing technique
black and white? or one-two colour printing only
recyclable paper, scraps, 'waste', used books, magazines? wrapping paper, crisp packets, used packaging, junk mail, etc etc

....Additional Comments

I want to focus this down to something a lilttle bit more specific. So, I'm trying to convince Graphic Designers to start designing sustainably, there are a few aspects of that that I am more interested in. I want to focus on the idea of 'waste' and how to reduce it within the graphic design practice. Reducing waste by reducing material usage and designing for longevity and reuse.

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