Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Project Rationale/ Concept Statement

Good is....Sustainable Graphic Design

  1. Reduce the rate in which we are consuming earth's limited resources eg.paper
  2. Graphic Designers make/ sell things and we are part of this over consumption system, so we should take responsibility.
  3. Design can change
  4. Who wants their design to just go straight into the bin after-design for longevity
  5. designers may want to be green but not sure how
I intend to...persuade and educate

a group of..Graphic Designers

that.... Sustainable Graphic design is good

In order to achieve this I will produce.....

A set of Graphic Design 'tool kit' ( may be stationary, equipments- ) that are green and packaged in a reusable packaging that encourages designers to be more green.

Also as set of visuals ( posters? probably something 'greener') to persuade the audience that this is good

This is will be produced using....

embossing/debossing technique
black and white? or one-two colour printing only
recyclable paper, scraps, 'waste',

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