Thursday 21 October 2010

What am I actually going to make?? Ideas ideas i deas...i need more

So just to reiterate.... My concept is to encourage Graphic Design to design sustainably focusing on the idea of reducing waste and designing for longevity.

3 things I'm thinking about
  1. Posters, booklet or Calendar ALL made from used paper eg. old flyers, junkmail, magazines,books,notebooks, food packaging.
  2. Printing onto things that are used around the studio that are paper related eg. bins, printers, photo copiers, guillotine, cutting mats?
  3. Reusable Packaging that contains Design Equipments

What can the packaging be turned into ??
  • Growing grass out of it ? into words?
  • Bottle openers ( i don't know how that's relevant)
  • Packaging CD burn kit, so you keep the packaging to keep the disks
  • Bins
  • Pencil Holder
  • Pencil Case
  • pack lunch box- for a busy graphic designer!
Note: the cd burn kit- to encourage designers to send PDF's to clients for proofing and to show designers that CD's can store so much data compared to paper

What to packagae?
  • Notebooks
  • rulers
  • pencils
  • pens
  • knife
  • CDs
  • USB stick > same idea as CD- part of the packaging itself can be used as a case for the USB

I need to think about how the content would actually fit together into the packaging- if I'm packaging several items...would I need a primary/ secondary packaging to fit them into place...but then, that means more material....

how do i make the all fit and still turn that packaging into something useful

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