We thought that there was quite a lot of things that we could do so it woild be pretty open to us to make our own brief out of this.
We also get to re brand 'Plan A' and use that new identity to create a campaign to encourage people to start doing the plans themselves
We had a meeting with about our chosen briefs and discussed what the problem is?
what each brief are actually asking us to do..
M and S are ultimately trying to keep their customers and gain new ones through showing that they are committed to 'saving the environment' . Now that all the major supermarkets are using they're commitments to the environment as a selling point. Marks and Spencers can't afford to not be involved anymore.
They have had a succesful result to their 'Plan A' but now they want to show further commitments by trying to get their customers involved.
We are open to use any media we like accordingly to the appropriateness to what our solution is. This is one of the main reaons why we chose this. As Liz and I are so different in styles, the flexibility of media would be really helpful to hour collaboration.

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