Please take a look below at some of the pledges given recently, if you would like to make a pledge please click here
John Taylor - I pledge to...put all cans in the right bin.
W Foster - I pledge local farmers.
J Shepherd - I pledge to...turn off all electical appliances when not in use.
M Hill - I pledge to...recycle rubbish.
M Rafferty - I pledge to...turn off all appliances at night.
A Foster - I pledge organic food.
W I Cooper - I pledge something environmentally friendly.
R M B - I pledge to...turn off the television at the main plug at night.
Fiaz Begum - I pledge to...recycle.
Neil Bailey - I pledge all my chocolate from fairtrade.
Myra Ainsworth - I pledge to...encourage Ribble Valley Council to engage in a recycling programme.
Shameem Hussain - I pledge to...leave the car at home at least one day a week.
E Leigh - I pledge to...use my compost bin.
Lynn Wilcock - I pledge more environmentally friendly.
G Barton - I pledge fairtrade products and turn lights off when not needed.
Sarah Turner - I pledge to...continue to use local organic box scheme.
Amanda Foster - I pledge my carrier bags.
Kerry Gormley - I pledge to...spread the word about green issues.
Sarah Barton - I pledge my carrier bags.
Julie Hotchkiss - I pledge to...switch the computer and monitor off at the wall.
Linda Forrest - I pledge to...recycle plastic waste.
Anne Finn - I pledge to...walk instead of jumping in my car.
Ruth Colling - I pledge to...switch off the T.V. and not leave it on standby.
Lisa Lloyd - I pledge to...switch off the water tap when brushing my teeth.
Ros Brown - I pledge to...use energy saving light bulbs.
R Kershaw - I pledge to...turn off lights when not in use.
G & V Rushton - I pledge to...walk instead of using the car.
Teressa Greene - I pledge more plastic bags.
Evelyn Alcock - I pledge to...recycle plastic.
Vicki Oliver - I pledge stop acrylic baths going to the landfill.
Mrs Vickers - I pledge to...recycle plastic waste.
Colin Cooper - I pledge to...reduce 'standby' by switching things off at the source.
F Dalds - I pledge water.
Miss R James - I pledge to...turn off my lights when not in use.
Paul Barton - I pledge water.
Yvonne - I pledge to...monitor my electical use.
Shelli Sagar - I pledge water at work.
Rean - I pledge to...take my own bags to the supermarket.
F Talbot - I pledge carrier bags.
C Morante - I pledge to...plant an outdoor garden at School.
Andrea Rothwell - I pledge carrier bags.
S Thomas - I pledge to...unplug all unused electrical equipment in our house.
Cheryl Parky - I pledge something to improve the environment.
John Broadley - I pledge to...use public transport and use less electricity.
W J Adam - I pledge electricity and carrier bags.
G H Baldam - I pledge very economical with fossil fuels.
J Cronshaw - I pledge to...recycle more waste.
Mrs S Greenwood - I pledge to...use energy saving light bulbs.
Mrs P Duggan - I pledge to...switch the television off every niht and use cloth bags for shopping.
Sheila McVan - I pledge greener.
Kay Poor - I pledge to...use cloth bags when shopping.
Matthews - I pledge as green as possible.
Raheem Iqbal - I pledge the environment by donating to all the charities in aid of 3rd world countries.
Y Bennett - I pledge to...use less fuel.
D Eccles - I pledge to...use lumin bulbs.
Sam Manser - I pledge carrier bags.
Kenneth Haworth - I pledge to...turn lights off in rooms when not in use.
A Cox - I pledge to...turn off lights more.
Ruksoar Iqbal - I pledge tor...recycle more bottles.
Mrs Roberts - I pledge carrier bags.
John Worden - I pledge enery and recycle more.
A Sleigh - I pledge to...not leave my computer/TV on standby.
Kath Haworth - I pledge to...use carbon neutral bio fuel and to use energy-saving light bulbs.
David Myles - I pledge to...make sure all my TV's are turmed off.
Brenda Ryan - I pledge to...always put my recycle boxes out every 2 weeks.
Michelle C - I plegde to...turn my TV off an not leave it on standby.
John Traffick - I pledge to...not leave my taps running.
Barbara Heyworth - I pledge to...look into converting my car to biodiesel.
Cathy Handziak - I pledge to...reuse my plastic bags.
Keith Faller - I pledge more water and turn off the lights when they are not needed.
Joe Dyment - I pledge to...reduce my use of plastic bags from the supermarket.
E Faller - I pledge to...not use more water than I need to.
T Abraham - I pledge to...use energy saving light bulbs and recycle whenever possible.
Barbara Lee - I pledge the cold water I run every morning before the hot water comes through.
David Lee - I pledge to...change the light bulbs in my home to energy efficient bulbs.
John Dalton - I pledge more environmentally friendly.
J Cronshall - I pledge to...put silver foil behind my radiators to conserve energy.
James Clark - I pledge to...recycle more household things.
Daniel Allen - I pledge to..recycle more and not leave the TV on standby.
Janet Flanagan - I pledge to...switch the computer off when not in use and turn the hot water off when shaving.
Lee Aaron - I pledge to...always dispose of my litter properly.
Lisa Hamer - I pledge to...recycle more household waste.
Nathan Webster - I pledge to...use rechargeable batteries in future.
Phil Henderson - I pledge to...only fill the kettle with the water I require in order to save money and energy.
Steve Wandless - I pledge to...recycle.
S Hartley - I pledge to...turn my TV off standby and switch more lights off.
Leah Corbridge - I pledge to...use energy efficient light bulbs and continue to recycle.
Sandra Wilson - I pledge my fruit and veg from the local market.
Deneze Raines - I pledge to...not to leave my TV on standby.
Janice Heap - I pledge to...put my recycling bin out on a regular basis.
Carla McLoughlin - I pledge to...use energy-saving light bulbs.
W Hargreaves - I pledge to...turn off the tap when cleaning my teeth.
Roger Jepson - I pledge to...replace all my light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs during 2007.
Anne Metcalfe - I pledge longer litter.
Christine Shaw - I pledge to...continue with my kitchen garden and recycle cans, glass and paper.
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