Tuesday 22 March 2011


Main ident for Mark and Spencer's Plan A from Sai on Vimeo.

Finished ident for Plan A.

I decided not to go with any of the music I was thinking off. As I discussed the choice of music with Liz and we both agreed that we liked this one best.

The pace goes really well with the ident and its something that is pleasant to listen to so even if the viewers aren't necessarily paying attention to the telly. The 'nice' music might get their attention or might even memorable enough for them to remember it and think. 'that advert with the nice song'

Overall I am quite happy with the ident and I think that its a good length with not too much information on it. I wanted to add more actual information about 'Plan A' but people don't really read what they see on television ( thats why they're watching telly!). But the type (pledges) re quite a lot to read but the viewers dont necessarily have to read them. just as long as they glance over it and get the idea about making pledges.

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