We also decided on our individual and joint roles/responsibilities in this project

We both enjoy research both practical and contextual. I suggested that I enjoyed researching information about the subject matter itself and research into our chosen brief, the company that provided it.
We are both really visual with Liz being more image based, more specifically, illustration. I do enjoy working with image but I wanted to be involved in this particular partnership because I feel that my typography would work well with Liz's style of illustration.
She really enjoys working with crafted and hand rendered work where as I like clean, simple work ( including image) that has been done digitally.
So, our styles are really different but not in the way that they can not work together....I'm hoping that it will be the opposite.
I feel that I am quite an organized person and that I can manage time quite well.
The gaps at the moment are our knowledge in web design/ web layout design ( in case it is applicable)
We had a quick discussion about a possibility of window displays but neither of of us have had experience in that before.
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