Tuesday 8 March 2011

Some concepts for the campaign....

We tried to come up with a few ideas/themes/concepts for Plan A.

I know we already have the 'plan A' name with the 'because there is no plan B' slogan

but we thought we need some kind of scenario to work with to expand our campaign. We wanted to give the campaign a bit more of a story......

So we came up with as some of these...

obviously, we can expand on the 'there is not plan B...' which is a tagline from the A-team...so may be we could play on the 'team' ideas with some kind of operation that we're on.

like a green mission. carbon mission...something a long that line...

but the A-team really isnt the appropriate choice of 'models' for hthis campaign. may be soemthing similar ...?

but we came up with a few more that could be worked on..
  • taking the idea of an army. taking the pledge to join. GREEN ARMY. war against waste. pledge your alliegiance to the green army. there will be no need for a plan B. And then you could award customers with ranks the more pledges they take, the higher up their rank will be
  • a club where you have to take a pledge to join.
  • using the WWF carbon calculator idea about the number of planets we need in order to carry on this kind of lifestyle. So... take the pledge to the planet.
  • Planets: take a pledge to the planet. we only have one. it wouldnt be the same on mars.( pluto, neptune,) where's the moon gonna go? Where would the moon go? it wouldnt be better on mars? what/who would the moon go around?
  • trolleys....how many trolleys of food are you wasting everyday. a trolley full of CO2........Im not too keen on this one
  • pledge for change

Also, to coome up with some more interesting pledges ...

we could get people to write their own pledges?

also....as one of the campaigns...can have people's pledges on the walls in the store- with nice typography.

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