Monday, 7 March 2011

Plan A Research.....

There is so much information on the website that itis quite tricky oycking out the necceseeary information on. Not only they now hae 180 plan A commitments, there are also lots of additional information on the web.

So, I thought it might be easier if we figure out what we want to find out and try and answer those quesitons through research rather than looking up piles of stuff.

In order to do this brief I think that we should know......

  • What kind of audience/ customers they want t attract?
  • Who are already loyal customers to M & S
  • What's the message? ( apart from green)
  • How involved to they want the audience to be. what do they want the customers to do ? surely not all 180 commitments??
  • what do people think about Plan A
  • what plan A campaigns are already out there? ( adverts? Tv? idents? P.o.P.? signs? etc)
  • is there a goal? for people to achieve?
  • what help is there for people if they want to get involved?

NB. Need to remember that its about trying people to get involved....not about them

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