Wednesday 2 March 2011

5 reasons why our partnership is the best

We were to produce a hand rendered visually engaging poster to show why our creative partnership is better than everyone else's. We were given an hour to create this poster and to come up with 5 reasons.

Liz and I decided that the reasons why our partnership would work so well are because.......

  1. She likes image and I like type
  2. We both lived together for a year and we are still close. So we know that we can spend a lot of time together. We survived it!
  3. We are able to speak our minds and we feel comfortable enough with each other to critically engage with each other
  4. we have fun together. Work = fun
  5. We have different ways and styles of working but we still aim for the same result
( need photo of first poster)

...then we were all ( apart form three people) were told to do it again...

so we decided to emphasize on the fact that Liz really likes image and I like type so we wanted to kind of tell a story...

from Liz's image based style to my clean cut type.

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