Saturday 5 March 2011

Where do we even start ?

So....we need to create a whole new identity for plan A

This is their current identity which is just ' Plan A' somply written in helvetica.

So, we create a brang new Identity for them..
I would want to consider...

  • the mood its giving off
  • the image of marks and spencers that they want to create
  • the image of marks and spencers that they want to keep
  • how 'green' does it look
  • its it boring...(cliche green logo?)
  • how green is the logo ( eg. bold type = more ink etc.)
  • how can it be customed to fit onto different types of people. eg. screen, print, 3d. envoronment, onto fabric, bags,installations etc.)

I need to....

research more into plan A and really know by sutff
research into marks and spencers
and their customers/ the type of people who go to marks and spencers

go to marks and spencers and look around. ask around. make notes.


then come up with ideas for identity

and a few ideas on how to take on this campaign...what solutions etc.

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