Monday 22 November 2010

Screen prints photographed

Screen prints onto handmade paper.

I think these actually turned out okay. The type is a little bit scratchy but I think it does add an authenticity value to the print as the paper is obviously handmade/handcrafted.

The print process was quite tricky. The paper is really textured and quite bumpy. SO, even on the vacuum bed, the paper wasn't really flat on the bed. I had to print onto it over 20 times to get the type to actually print onto the paper.

It looks alright on the bold type and but the smaller type underneath and the logo got quite smudged after a while. But i had to keep doing it otherwise the type would barely be visible.

But overall, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.

I do wish the paper was a little bit flatter though. You can really tell that they're not flat from the photographs of them on the wall.

1 comment:

  1. Great set of posters Sai, they get the message across really effectively through perfect stock and then minimal type in black ink only :-)
