Thursday 4 November 2010

logo set 1

This is the first set of my logo design.

the main theme for this one is squares

The reason being for why I chose to use a square is to show symmetry, balance, simplicity and at the same time solidity. I also wanted to use a geometric shape

The message I'm trying to convey is that sustainability is a kind of balance that we need to have between us and the environment.

"nothing in Nature is wasted- it is only humans who create waste."

  • geometry is one of the purest forms of nature
  • the square is solid, strong and sturdy
  • form follows function


  • solid colour or not?
  • where will the type go
  • how does the image work with the type
  • ink coverage....try use as little ink as possible?
  • negative space
  • which font to use that is most appropriate?

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