Wednesday 17 November 2010

Final crit feedback

On the design boards:

Board one-

1 big image of packaging and says it all!
smaller shots to show the details ( eg. tear here)

that's all needed

explain print process but not long sentence describing things

Board two- packaging in context? and pencil holder

Board three-booklet

Board four- one BIG image of poster incontext...and the little ones dowe the bottom to show range?

Board five- pad printing...better pics of studio stuff..DON't be so safe.
something more creative
too predictable at the moment

In general

type- way too big ( 12/14 max)

1 image that explains everything

so, more bigger images....less book-like

too much explanation....only need to put specifications and things that people couldn't figure out by looking at the pictures. less explanation more description

think A2 -twice the size....think TYPE

don't be afraid to have white space

make a hitlist


heirachy- how do u want the audience to follow, where to look first etc.
white space
print process
relationship of posters
color of images/tone

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