Thursday 28 April 2011


PLACES (to promote)
  • museum
  • natural (history) museum
  • food museum
  • hall of fame
  • museum of forgotten foods
  • gallery
  • supermarket
  • organic supermarket
  • market
  • farmer's market
  • TYPE museum
  • design museum
  • restaurant
  • organic restaurant
  • steak house
  • cafe
  • deli
  • natural park
  • zoos
  • conservation
  • parks
  • butchers
  • green grocers

  • festivals
  • food festival
  • vegetable festival
  • British food festival
  • beer festival
  • music festoval
  • exhibition
  • type exhibition
  • design exhibition
  • graphic design exhibition
  • anniversary of.....exhibition
  • exhibition about nature
  • convention
  • fair
  • vintage fair
  • food fair
  • art fair
  • cheese festival


  • food in general
  • fruit
  • vegetable
  • british food
  • thai food
  • italian food
  • chinese food
(not dishes but actually foods, ingredients)

  • food from different culture
  • dishes
  • ingredients
  • deserts
  • meat
  • recipes
  • flavours
  • flavouring
  • seasoning
  • seasonal food
  • forgetten food
  • flavour wheel
  • matching flavours
  • foods that go
  • weird food
  • unusual ingredients
  • unusual dishes
  • seafood
  • herbs and spices
  • food textures
  • taste
  • cooking
  • eggs- egg dishes
  • cheese
  • puddings
  • cakes
  • pies
  • cheese
  • porkpies
  • steaks
  • organic forms
  • animals ( different types of animals)
  • plants
  • tress
  • leaves
  • people
  • seasons
  • human
  • fish
  • reptiles
  • texture
  • animal prints, skins,
  • natural texture
  • organic texture
  • flowers
  • gardens
  • woods
  • jungles
  • forests
  • mountains
  • all living things
  • the sea
  • the ocean
  • water
  • earth
  • earthly elements
  • sustainability
  • distasters
  • global warming
  • climate change
  • death
  • decay
  • birth
  • growth
  • nature Vs urbanisation
  • food
  • natural food
  • organic
  • hunting
  • imbalance in nature
  • natural world
  • seasons
  • weather
  • wideness
  • microorganisms
  • cells
  • energy
  • evolution
  • growth
  • ecosystem
  • species
  • natural parks
  • conservation
  • mother nature
  • landscape
  • philosophy of nature
  • laws of nature

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