Thursday, 28 April 2011

web design session 2

Everything on websites are made up off HTML which is the most basic code for websites

There are different types of codes ( you can choose the style on the welcome menu bar when you open up dreamweaver)
html - most standard / basic web language
Code fusion- just not used
PHP- used to communicate bewteen data base and websage. Eg. online shopping sites use them. Amazon > they don't have individual webpages for everything they sell as that would take ages for everything to load. Everything is stored as data on a spreadsheet and all that data gets pulled up when you click on the item
CSS- (cascading style sheets) when create webpage with basic features eg. black, helvetica, 12 pt, instead of having to put the code in on every webpage of your site, you just need one on CSS and link that to all the other html's

JAVA script- for really advanced coding eg. online games, really complicated websites
XML- similar to php

Creating a new HTML document:


in the panel menu, the files menu is the most important one

about the coding...........

isnt actually visible on your webpage, its just a code that is used so that your webpage shows up in search engines. key words are put into this code so when people type in the most commonly searched word, your website comes up

doesnt matter if you have nothing on your webpage, on the coding page, there will already be codes on it. eg. at the beginning means that from that point on word, this page will be talking in HTML ( need to let internet and dreamweaver know )
and means the end

every code when has a slash at the front means that its the end of thatn eg.
= anything in head tag isn't visible just useful. eg the meta code,
and then you have to end it

< body> = everything between that will be visible on the website

when making a website you need to
-make a root folder- can name them anything then sub folders

when yo finish a website, you need to buy a webpage and add server

FTP address ( for emails)

save your home page as index which is a standard name. this is so that your home page is the first thing that pops up when someone type in your web address
making the layout :
First bpx- 800 px x 600 px

(everything has to fit in the initial box)
Insert > Tablr

NOTE : if something is nothing , have to tell dream weaver that its nothing

box created - not height yet in rhw code but
so to add row --------

&nbspi = nothing . but you still need it so internet and dream weaver needs to know

therefore to add in after width, drop down menu > click height

add features to cell > not in the over all table code but in the cell part

The background is automatically white so if you want to change it...change the code where the overall page is applied to

splitting you columns and rows into cells....

when you click the split columns, it always automatically make it split 50/50
co to change the particular cell and change its widght

but you also have to change the remaining width of the other cell ( telling dreamweaver there's nothings when there's nothing)

dividing columns into rows../.do the same thing but with row height

Making buttons....

create you type/ image on photoshop and make two layers of the same type for the roll over effect

can change the color of the word, typeface or anything. save each layer separately ( hide one while you save the other)

save for web and devices on a transparent background and save as PNG ( JPEG is not transparent)

When inserting the button, select

insert> image object>roll over image

when the preload rollover box is ticked that means that the rollover image will appear straight away on your website. so you pretty much always want that to be ticked ( JAVA scripted )

The alternate text field is mandatory by law> its the small yellow box that appears when you float the cursors on the particular button

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