Monday 17 January 2011

cult definition


1. a specific system of religious worships, esp with reference to its rites and deity

2. a sect devoted to such a system

3. a quasi-religious worship using devious psychological techniques to gain and control adherents

4. a social group having an exclusive ideology and ritual practices centred on sacred symbols, especially one characterized by lack of organizational structure

5. intense interest and devotion to a person, idea, or activity

6. the person, idea, etc, arousing such devotion

7. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader

I had this idea....

the title sequence could begin with definitions of 'cult'

first idea was the classic black background with the definition typed out...but 1. that doesn't really go with the 'theme' I want to go for. and 2. thats not that interesting.

I want it to be more related to its meaning and the style of the video.

choice of type???

may be it could be hand written? written out?

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