Here's the story board for the title sequence. I know I've already done one which is very similar to this one. However, this one is more clear and accurate.
Some of the transitions between certain shots are still undecided. I need to see what would be the most appropriate once I can see what the design looks like on screen and this might not be the whole story board for the 50 secs. I wanted to try and make at least 10 secs of this animation to see how much I can actually fit in with in that time. The pace of the animation also needs to be considered.
The camera is going to be constantly moving forward so the speed of that camera will determine the content of this animation
Also, I need to leave about 5-10 secs at the end to show the chanel that this video is going to be be shown. Either discovery Chanel of National Geographic. I also want to stylize the logo to suit my animation.