Nike Layer from Praefa Uennatornwaranggoon on Vimeo.
here's the first of the layer that I've actually animated. The Nike shoes are rotating in different directions. It's not meant to look so much like a pattern as to emphasise the large number of the people who wore the shoes to committ mass suicide. I thought the rotating moving gives of that kind of optical illusion thats a little bit confusing and weird. I think the fine lines of the shoes goes quite well with the grungy theme of the title sequence.
I decided against actually coloring in the shoes purple as I tried and it doesn't look great. So, I thought, I would just change the colour of the lines to purple.
Then, for the layers that is 'Heven's gate ' related, the theme color could be purple. it would make sense.
and after spending sometime on Ai editting images, I think it works quite well

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