Wednesday 8 December 2010

Story Board Session 1 and 2

Story Boarding:

  • See the big picture and break them down
  • Sequence of pictures created by a production illustrator to communicate the desired general visual appearance of a screen or movies
  • a form of short script common for animated films for many years and now visually used for commercials , even live acting ones
  • It consists of sketches
  • The process of visual thinking and planning allows a group of people to brainstorm together placing their ideas on storyboards and then arranging the story boards
  • a series of rough sketch that show the plot, actors, characters and setting of a film, used before actual filming begins
  • A production tool that consists of sketches of scenes and actions that map a sequence of event, helps the author to edit and improve
  • Graphic organizer
Post Production story boarding : Screen Grab

Static assets are things like photography, vectors and bitmap

Session 2

5 frames per sequence
minimum of 9 sequences in one hour. 3 for each word

images to come

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