Transform selection under the layer properties. Every layer has transform property
you can have different ones like, effects, etc
The stop watch sign- if clicked on, property can be animated using key frames
1. Position time indicator where the animation starts
2. click a property and stop watch
3.choose a position on the time line
4. more layer
5. then every time you move the layer > create another key frame
short cuts:
when working with a number of layers > start having to scroll up and down
(~) = shows only the active panel gives you more space
select layer > press
(p) shows position property
(a) anchor point property
(r) rotation property
(s) scale property
(t) opacity property
(o) moves timeline indicator to end
(i) to the beginning
(u) reveals all animated property
(uu) twice- reveals ALL modified properties
(b) beginning of work area
(n) end of work area
-if select all layers and press for example, 'p'
allow that property adjustment for all layers
To Export:
Composition > Render Queue
render settings
Time span- work area or length of composition ( usually choose length of composition)
Format> Quicktime
format options> VideoCodec = TT.264 ( appropriate for videos tp be uploaded on the internet_)
NB. CODEC- is compression/decompression
First time using Key Frames from Praefa Uennatornwaranggoon on Vimeo.
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